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uke jackson

Inl�ggPostat: l�r apr 23, 2022 3:13 am    Rubrik: aloha Svara med citat

aloha ukulele commission!

i have played a swedish ukulele band on my flaming ukulele radio hour.

please direct your browser to on tuesday 3 pm - 4 pm New York City time (EDT) for the latest in ukulele music.
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Diktator light

Registreringsdatum: 21 april 2022
Inl�gg: 1803
Ort: Stockholm

Inl�ggPostat: l�r apr 23, 2022 9:19 am    Rubrik: Svara med citat

Aloha Uke Jacksson

And welcome to the ukulele commissions site. As you probably understand from the number of postings on this site we have only just started. Your posting gives the international forum a flying start and turns it in to one of the livelier Very Happy

I've listned to the programs in your archive and also seen the parts of your radio show that are available on midnight ukulele disco. Several times actually and I do enjoy it every time. The time difference between the Central Europe and US East Coast makes it a bit akward to listen to (or wach) netcasts live.

BTW: It was thanks to your radio show that I encountered "Flaming ukulele in the sky" witch now is on the ukulele commissions playlist.
N�got slags initiativtagare
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uke jackson

Inl�ggPostat: l�r apr 23, 2022 4:25 pm    Rubrik: Svara med citat

aloha robert!

the show is going to be available on demand shortly. everything is set to go except the general manger of the station left for vacation without sharing the password to set up this part of the website.

i'll post a notice in about 10 days or so when it's up and running.
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