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Hello from Finland

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Inl�ggPostat: m�n maj 02, 2005 6:42 am    Rubrik: Hello from Finland Svara med citat

Great, a new forum!

It's time to refresh my svenska... after all these years. Nice to see a new active group of ukeplayers there in Sweden. I've got my ukefewer just some months ago and it has given plenty of new kick after thirty years with guitars.
Jukkalele should keep a Finnish discussion thread for us.. Smile

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Diktator light

Registreringsdatum: 21 april 2022
Inl�gg: 1803
Ort: Stockholm

Inl�ggPostat: m�n maj 02, 2005 10:15 am    Rubrik: Svara med citat


Nice to see you in our forum! Even though there's no real difference in talking to you here or in an american forum, this feels lika a closer contact.

I repeat my invitation to you to come and see us if any of our meetings are at a convenient time for you.
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Inl�ggPostat: m�n maj 02, 2005 6:40 pm    Rubrik: language... Svara med citat

Your forum might be important also to get my Swedish a bit better. Believe me or not, but I lost my understanding because of Swahili about twenty years ago. So, two ways of benefitting now med Ukulele-kommissionen Very Happy

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