Ukulelekommissionens forum
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Registreringsdatum: 26 augusti 2007 Inl�gg: 51 Ort: Helsinki, K�ln, Rotterdam
Postat: tis jun 03, 2022 12:16 am Rubrik: Radical Site-UpDate |
We have completely updated our site... Let me know how you like it:
http://www.ukulelenurkka.net/ _________________ I uke, do you uke too?
http://www.myspace.com/losbastardossympaticos |
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Registreringsdatum: 23 augusti 2007 Inl�gg: 4352 Ort: Bajen
Postat: tis jun 03, 2022 5:45 am Rubrik: |
Much better navigation. Nice to have finish and english links side to side in the sidebar. Vast collection of links to ukulelebrands. Easy to find info about what's on in the Helsinki ukulele community. Thumbs up! _________________ Totalmoddad P'Mico sopran
Runesson sopran |
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Robert_Hultman Diktator light

Registreringsdatum: 21 april 2022 Inl�gg: 5827 Ort: Stockholm
Postat: tis jun 03, 2022 12:17 pm Rubrik: |
Haven't had the time to scrutinise the site but the first impression is very good. _________________ "Sannolikheten att lyckas �kar dramatiskt med varje f�rs�k"
John Nash |
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ukulelerud Happy Per

Registreringsdatum: 23 april 2022 Inl�gg: 1196
Postat: fre jun 06, 2022 1:07 pm Rubrik: |
Lookin' really nice. Unfortunately I'm in Moscow the 12th, else I've been in Helsinki. Will however bring my ukulele if Lenin and Putin gets too boring  _________________ ukulelerud  |
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Registreringsdatum: 16 maj 2008 Inl�gg: 149 Ort: Vall�kra
Postat: fre jun 06, 2022 2:44 pm Rubrik: |
I like it alot, but its almost to much information, and it takes a while to get used to all the little flags everywhere on the page...
I don't know if I like the option whith a button, loading a finnish site or a international one, better...
 _________________ Ode to a frozen boot
James Hill
Jake Simabukuro |
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