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Registreringsdatum: 02 december 2021 Inl�gg: 9 Ort: Satteldorf (Tyskland)
Postat: tis jan 22, 2022 6:20 pm Rubrik: New Br�ko Homepage |
Br�ko has a new homepage!
Have a look at their standard models, their special models and the option to get your custom made Br�ko ukulele!
www.brueko.com or:
(Administrator: if this is the wrong section, please move it to the right section!
As I am not able to understand Swedish, I thought it's a good idea to place it here...) _________________ www.fourstrings.de
www.youtube.com/Goschenhobel |
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Robert_Hultman Diktator light

Registreringsdatum: 21 april 2022 Inl�gg: 5827 Ort: Stockholm
Postat: tis jan 22, 2022 6:31 pm Rubrik: |
This isn't a bad place at all.
There is a section "Instrumenten" where it could have been posted too. I'll link to this tread from there.
Thanks for the update. btw. I curious and will have a look right away. _________________ "Sannolikheten att lyckas �kar dramatiskt med varje f�rs�k"
John Nash |
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