Ukulelekommissionens forum
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Pauline Leland G�st
Postat: l�r okt 22, 2005 7:26 am Rubrik: Hello from Seattle |
Hello and belated best wishes from Seattle. We have a group here called SUPA, Seattle Ukulele Players Association, http://www.seattleukulele.org/.
I have a warm spot in my heart for Sweden where my grandfather was born and where fun people are now playing ukulele.
Pauline |
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Pauline Leland G�st
Postat: m�n okt 24, 2005 8:00 pm Rubrik: |
Hi Robert,
As I understand it, the SUPA founders started with a large collection of well over 100 songs. Members are encouraged to add to the collection by bringing multiple copies of lyrics + chords to the meetings to share. My 3-ring binder is now getting too large to fit on a portable music stand.
'Song circle' in our case means that individuals can choose songs from the book or from that day's handouts for the whole group to sing and play. The moderators (chaos controllers) use various schemes to choose who selects a song.
The whole book and the updates can be ordered from a photo-copy shop which has a set of originals.
Other times, we practice specific songs for the various SUPA gigs.
I'll be sure to let you know if I ever visit Sweden, thanks. We'd love to welcome Swedish ukers here, too.
Pauline |
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