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Registreringsdatum: 02 december 2021 Inl�gg: 9 Ort: Satteldorf (Tyskland)
Postat: ons dec 02, 2021 5:46 pm Rubrik: Christmas calendar of the German Ukulele club |
thanks a lot for your great christmas calendar. Many German ukulele players enjoy it, too!
Maybe some of you also can't get enough of opening little doors that contain musical surprises... Well, here is for you the
Christmas calendar of the 1st German Ukulele Club.
Comments and discussion appreciated here.  _________________ www.fourstrings.de
Senast �ndrad av Goschi den ons dec 02, 2021 9:16 pm, �ndrad totalt 1 g�ng |
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J�rgen Kommissionens Lautsprecher

Registreringsdatum: 31 januari 2006 Inl�gg: 4585 Ort: Stockholm
Postat: ons dec 02, 2021 6:14 pm Rubrik: |
I couldn't resist your calendar. It's great too. I just can't get enough!  _________________ Jag �r bra p� att g�ra andra b�st. Vad �r du bra p�? |
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Robert_Hultman Diktator light

Registreringsdatum: 21 april 2022 Inl�gg: 5827 Ort: Stockholm
Postat: ons dec 02, 2021 6:40 pm Rubrik: |
I could never get enough of advent calenders at least not ukulele ones.
Nice opening numbers I enjoyed both the first contribution from Bad santa and the second contribution.
I look forward to the next hatches to open! _________________ "Sannolikheten att lyckas �kar dramatiskt med varje f�rs�k"
John Nash |
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jukkalele Custom (kosta mer) customer in waiting

Registreringsdatum: 20 april 2022 Inl�gg: 5655 Ort: Stockholm
Postat: ons dec 02, 2021 7:01 pm Rubrik: |
Hi Peter.
I have found it and heard and enjoyed the first one. Of course I should have told the Swedes already. But now you did, so I don't have to. I'll soon go to find number two. _________________ Allt �r v�ldigt ovisst. Det �r jag helt s�ker p�.
http://www.myspace.com/jukkalele |
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Registreringsdatum: 02 december 2021 Inl�gg: 9 Ort: Satteldorf (Tyskland)
Postat: ons dec 02, 2021 9:19 pm Rubrik: |
Never mind, Jukka.
By the way - is there a Japanese ukulele christmas calendar anywhere? Or maybe a Hanami ukulele calendar next spring?
So many questions, so few answers...  _________________ www.fourstrings.de
www.youtube.com/Goschenhobel |
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Registreringsdatum: 23 augusti 2007 Inl�gg: 4352 Ort: Bajen
Postat: ons dec 02, 2021 10:32 pm Rubrik: |
Thanx for the tip. I've listened to the first two doors. The first one was kind of surreal. The second one had a pic of a very large flute. And when I said to my wife "Look, what a cool flute!" she replied "Yeah, REALLY cool." I'm not sure she actually meant what she said ... _________________ Totalmoddad P'Mico sopran
Runesson sopran |
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