Ukulelekommissionens forum
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Robert_Hultman Diktator light

Registreringsdatum: 21 april 2022 Inl�gg: 5827 Ort: Stockholm
Postat: ons nov 21, 2021 3:01 pm Rubrik: Ukulele Festival in Stockholm APril 11-12 |
I've just started planning for a ukefest in Stockholm on April 12th. (we'll start with a get together in the evening on Friday 11th but Saturday 12th will be the "big" day).
I've booked a theatre that seats 120 (140 as an absolutly maximum), so it will be an intimate event.
This small festival has no ambition to recruit new players or prove that any one can play the uke. It's aimed at people that are allready lost, addicted to the ukulele. We hope to have a few (6-8 ) artists on stage on saturday evening that togheter will represent a variety of different musical styles.
We are planning to have some workshops during the afternoon on saturday. And there will be an open stage.
It's a low budget event. The venue is rather expensive so despite the fact the tickets probably will be 450 SEK (Swedish crowns - 450 of which equal something like 48 Euros or 34 Pounds) there will be little left to offer artists performing.
If you are interested in attending, performing or leading a workshop during this festival Please let me know if you need help planning, have thoughts or questions. _________________ "Sannolikheten att lyckas �kar dramatiskt med varje f�rs�k"
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