Ukulelekommissionens forum
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�mne: F�rslag p� m�tesdatum: 6 oktober |
Svar: 26
Visningar: 5311
Forum: M�ten p� g�ng Postat: tis sep 27, 2021 12:14 pm Rubrik: F�rslag p� m�tesdatum: 6 oktober |
Well, if you allow me to come in I will be there, actually any other day in the week will be ok too for me.
By the way I don't understand nothing about what you're talking about, Norgevisan, kopior ... |
�mne: Introducing myself |
Svar: 0
Visningar: 404
Forum: Ordet �r fritt Postat: l�r sep 17, 2021 2:43 pm Rubrik: Introducing myself |
Hello, my name is Pierre and I recently moved to Stockholm. I'm from Nice, France, and I will be studying literature at Stockholms University this year. I do not speak swedish at all, and I'm just a ... |
�mne: Snart dags att ses igen? |
Svar: 3
Visningar: 1220
Forum: M�ten p� g�ng Postat: l�r sep 17, 2021 2:39 pm Rubrik: Snart dags att ses igen? |
Thank you so much Robert !
I'm sure Ukulelekommissionen will be the perfect way to improve my ukulele and swedish levels.
When will the next meeting take place ? May I join you ?
Pierre |
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